Business news

ScaleX™ Insider Podcast: New episode with Mac Lackey – The most successful way to sell your business

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Simple Scaling

11th Oct 2023

“No one wants to buy a business where the founder is involved in the critical path of everything.” – Mac Lackey

This statement from Mac Lackey encapsulates a hard truth for many entrepreneurs. And if it struck a chord, you’re not alone.

Today on the ScaleX™ Insider podcast with Brendan McGurgan, Mac dives deep into the intricacies of business scaling, selling, and ensuring your venture thrives even without you at its helm. We explore:

  • Seeing your business through a buyer’s lens.
  • The art of crafting a compelling story that grips potential buyers.
  • The essence of balancing work and life to build a business that genuinely thrives.

Who’s Mac? A serial entrepreneur who’s started, scaled, and SOLD six companies with enviable exits.

If you’re navigating the challenging terrain of leadership, today’s episode is your compass. Mac’s insights might be the game-changer you’ve been seeking.

You can listen to the podcast on all major podcasting channels including Apple, Spotify and YouTube. Listen to YouTube.

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