
NI Clinical Research Conference

18th May 2023 10:00am - 4:00pm

Venue: Hilton Hotel Belfast


Posted By: ABPI NI

5th Apr 2023

Event Description

One year on from the launch of Northern Ireland’s Clinical Research Recovery, Resilience and Growth vision, this conference aims to share experiences as to how academics, clinicians and industry can plan and work together to ensure that patients derive the greatest possible benefit from clinical research. In Partnership with Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) and NI Clinical Research Network (NICRN), the ABPI invite you to join Academics, Clinicians, Industry representatives, Patient Organisations and HSC Staff as we explore our shared objective of improving Clinical Research across the life and health sciences ecosystem within NI.

The day will focus on 5 areas: Promoting Northern Ireland as an effective and efficient melting pot for research, Progression of incorporating research into routine practice in HSC in NI, Improving communication about clinical research, Identifying and understanding the barriers and enablers facing researchers across HSC and Clinical research as an opportunity for growth.

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