Business news

A Beacon of Success – Quadra’s Environmental / Sustainable Tourism Advice Morning

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4th Dec 2023

Quadra Consulting’s Environmental Sustainable Tourism Advice Morning, held on 23rd November 2023 at Templemore Baths, stands as a beacon of success in advising sustainable practices within the tourism industry.

This event brought together representatives from various local hotels and other tourist destinations throughout Northern Ireland, with various speakers, all offering specialist advice and information relevant to sustainability in the tourism industry. The event encouraged speakers and attendees to network and discuss improvement opportunities while promoting environmental conservation, green tourism and economic development in the tourism sector.


The advice morning aimed to achieve the following objectives:

Promoting Sustainable Practices: Raise awareness about eco-friendly and responsible tourism practices among industry professionals.

Knowledge Exchange: Facilitate the exchange of ideas, research findings, and successful case studies to inspire and guide attendee’s in implementing sustainable initiatives.

Community Involvement: Emphasise the importance of engaging with visitors and creating environmental awareness to ensure that benefits are shared equitably and cultural heritage is preserved.

Innovation and Technology: Showcase innovative technologies and solutions that contribute to sustainable tourism, such as renewable energy, waste reduction, eco-friendly infrastructure and software for measuring and monitoring data.

Key Highlights:

Expert Speaker: Renowned experts each sharing their experiences and information to encourage more sustainable practices and sustainable decision making.

Environmental and Energy Hints and Tips: Stephanie Singer, our Director of Environmental and Technical Services showed some results from previous environmental and energy audits conducted in tourism destinations and provided some hints and tips to save energy, save carbon and save money!

Networking Opportunities: The event provided a platform for networking among industry professionals. This facilitated collaborations and partnerships for future sustainability initiatives.

Post event tour: Eastside Partnerships very kindly provided a post-event tour of the Templemore Baths Heritage Space. The Heritage Space at Templemore Baths is the only remaining public baths on the island of Ireland and lots of original Victorian features of the building have been preserved including the slipper baths, ticket office and architectural features. We definitely recommend this tour!

The Environmental/Sustainability Advice morning successfully achieved its goals of promoting sustainable practices, fostering knowledge exchange, and encouraging collaboration among stakeholders. By showcasing best practices, fostering dialogue, and inspiring commitment, the event has contributed to encouraging sustainable practices in the tourism industry in Northern Ireland.