Business news

Bidvest Noonan Achieves Milestone with First Comprehensive Carbon Footprint Assessment

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31st Jul 2024

Bidvest Noonan, Northern Ireland’s leading FM services provider and a leader across the UK and Ireland, has announced the completion of its first comprehensive carbon footprint assessment.

“Our first full carbon footprint assessment is a testament to our transparency and accountability,” said John King, ESG Director of Bidvest Noonan. “Our footprint demonstrates the work we have done in recent years. Understanding our emissions allows us to take meaningful steps to reduce our environmental impact and provide sustainable solutions for our clients.”

The assessment adheres to the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol and the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) standards.

The process involved a detailed analysis of emissions from the supply chain, employee commuting, fleet operations, and more. By engaging with suppliers and various departments, Bidvest Noonan identified key impact areas and opportunities for emission reductions.

“For customers, this signifies that Bidvest Noonan offers not only market-leading services but also environmentally conscious solutions, aligning with the growing demand for sustainable practices,” added John King.

Key findings showed that the supply chain and employee commuting are primary contributors to emissions, accounting for the vast majority of the company’s footprint. The company, which has adopted an electric-first policy for its fleet, has also implemented local recruitment policies, cycle-to-work schemes, and public transport initiatives to promote sustainable commuting for its 27,000 people. Additionally, the company is working collaboratively with supply chain partners to further reduce scope 3 emissions.

Andrew Doyle, Procurement Director of Bidvest Noonan, commented on the company’s efforts to assist the supply chain in becoming more sustainable: “We are actively working with our suppliers to enhance their sustainability practices. By collaborating closely and sharing best practices, we aim to reduce the overall environmental impact of our supply chain.”

For more information about Bidvest Noonan’s carbon footprint report and sustainability initiatives, please click here.