
Breathing fresh life into village streetscapes: transforming local shopfronts

Posted By:
Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Council

27th Jul 2023

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Economic Development Team has been working closely with 18 local businesses across Burnside, Doagh and Templepatrick to provide financial support through the ‘Small Settlements Shopfront Revitalisation Scheme’.  The Scheme has enabled the businesses to improve the physical appearance of their shopfronts, breathing new life into the village’s streetscape.

An array of businesses across a diverse range of sectors have benefited from the Scheme, each receiving support to make transformative improvements to their premises. This has included works to windows and doors, painting, signage and improvements to rainwater goods.

The Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor Mark Cooper commented, “I would like to thank the Department for Communities and Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for their significant financial contribution towards the scheme and the businesses for their investment and co-operation. The scheme will complement an imminent environmental improvement and artwork project.  These improvements will enhance the vitality, attractiveness and viability of our villages, making these areas a more attractive place to live, work, visit and invest”.

The ‘Small Settlements Shopfront Revitalisation Scheme’ is part of the COVID-19 Recovery Small Settlement Regeneration Programme, which is funded by the Department for Communities and the Department for Infrastructure and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs.

Andy Clement from the Department for Communities’, Regional Development Office, commented, “The Covid Recovery Small Settlements Regeneration Programme is a cross-departmental initiative that has provided Councils across Northern Ireland with over £26m to reinvigorate the post-pandemic economy of our villages.  I am confident that these improvements will bring a welcome boost to local businesses, helping attract further investment and development in our small settlements”.

The Council’s Economic Development Team offer support and assistance to businesses of all sizes and sector across the Borough. For further information, please contact regeneration@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk