Business news

CARD Group Research & Insight encourages businesses to join them in becoming a Living Wage Employer

Posted By:
CARD Group Research & Insight

10th Oct 2023

Ahead of Living Wage Week, 6 – 12th November 2023, market and social research agency CARD Group Research & Insight is delighted to have become an accredited Living Wage Employer. This is a voluntary commitment to pay every staff member at least the real Living Wage – the only rate that is independently calculated based on the cost of living. 

At the heart of our business is our team – from our operational staff and data analysts to our fieldwork interviewers. Each is critical to our success and each is valued for the unique contribution they make. A key part of valuing our team means ensuring every member is rewarded with fair pay for fair work. We were already paying staff at least the real Living Wage but wanted to take the next step and make a public commitment to the Living Wage campaign, securing accreditation in 2023.

Commenting on the accreditation, CEO of CARD Group Research & Insight, Albert Hamilton said “There are so many benefits to becoming a Living Wage employer and it was a proud moment for our whole team when we received our formal accreditation. It reflects our ethos as an ethical company and an employer of choice where all staff can – rightly – expect to be treated with dignity and with respect. Looking ahead, we will be able to use our accreditation to enhance our recruitment processes and in business development, helping us to secure contracts and work with other socially minded enterprises.” 

With more than 13,000 employers across the UK now signed up as accredited Living Wage employers, Albert is encouraging other businesses in Northern Ireland to find out more: “Not only is the real Living Wage good for our people and for society – it is also good for business through enhanced reputation, improved recruitment prospects and helping to maintain high levels of staff motivation and productivity. The process for accrediting is straightforward and there is a lot of support along the way.” 

What is the Real Living Wage?

The Real Living Wage is an independently calculated hourly rate, established by the Living Wage Foundation.  It ensures that employees receive fair compensation based on the cost of living, enabling them to meet their basic needs and have a decent standard of living.

The Living Wage accreditation is awarded by the Living Wage Foundation, an independent organisation that recognises UK businesses who demonstrate a commitment to ensuring their employees are paid a wage that provides a comfortable standard of living.

For a list of all Real Living Wage accredited employers, and to find out more about becoming accredited, visit: 

[Pictured: CARD Group CEO, Albert Hamilton and Mary McManus from Living Wage]