Business news

CDPB Fellowship Programme: An opportunity to reimagine leadership

Since 1998, the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement has provided a template for political progress in Northern Ireland. Yet, governance arrangements in Northern Ireland continue to be fragile and the legacy of the Troubles remains divisive. Globalisation, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK’s exit from the EU, and the cost-of-living crisis have simultaneously introduced additional complexities that require non-traditional skills for political, business, and civic leaders to navigate. Leaders are being scrutinised more than ever as their character and competency are consistently called into question from various corners of society. According to research from Jon Stokes and Sue Dopson at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, trust in leadership is at an all-time low and leaders must prove themselves to gain respect. The complex decision-making skills that leaders need to prevent higher levels of distrust, fear, and conflict, are more critical than ever. Since 2021, the Fellowship Programme has provided the opportunity to reimagine complex political, business, and civic leadership in Northern Ireland through innovation and capacity building to address the challenges of today for the prosperity of tomorrow.

Now in its fourth year, the Fellowship Programme has over 70 alumni, including Finance Minister Caoimhe Archibald MLA. It invites 24 ambitious leaders on a seven-month journey to reimagine and pave a new, prosperous future for Northern Ireland. The programme seeks to support the peace process, foster innovation and capacity building, and encourage collaborative decision-making so that leaders across society are strengthened and equipped to navigate complexity and deliver real change for the benefit of all.

The Fellowship is delivered by CDPB working with key stakeholders, policy makers and facilitators from leading academic institutions including the University of Oxford with support from its advisory board. The programme also includes weekend residentials in both Oxford and Dublin.

Please see the Fellowship Programme brochure with further information relating to the programme. Alternatively, you can visit the website to find out more information. You can also visit CDPB’s Twitter and LinkedIn pages to view some of the highlights of last year’s Fellowship.

The application deadline is Wednesday 19th June.