
Conversations at the Crescent

Posted By:
Regency House

13th May 2024

We are pleased to announce the launch of Conversations at the Crescent, an innovative new series events exploring the art of human connection through the personal journey of our guest speakers.

Set in our unique event space, Crescent One, the series will follow a bespoke format designed to inspire authentic and open conversation and afford the audience the chance to contribute.

Joining hosts Cate Conway and Ciaran May in conversation for our first event on Friday 24th May is Pat Divilly, a number one best-selling author and high-performance breath work and wellness coach.

Best known for facilitating breath work and body-based workshops, the audience will hear first-hand from Pat as Cate and Ciaran delve into his journey in becoming one of Ireland’s top authorities on health and wellness. Together they will explore themes such as the ‘hero’s journey’, stepping into the unknown, and the essential role that mentorship plays in both every day and corporate life.

We invite you to join us, for this unmissable chance to relax, socialise and learn among likeminded peers

Tickets for this intimate event are priced at £75 per person. As part of the ticket price, guests will receive a welcome drink on arrival together with a selection delectable canapés prepared by Michael O’Connor, Executive Chef of Regency House.

