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31st Jul 2024


Firm issues its latest Responsible Business Report

 Dalradian, the US owned company developing an environmentally responsible copper-gold-silver mine in west Tyrone, has published its fifth Responsible Business Report (2023). The report provides an overview of the company’s environmental, social and governance activities and performance, plus an update on its progress through the planning system.

Dalradian has been certified as Carbon Neutral Plus for the fifth consecutive year. Since 2019 the project has reduced its carbon emissions by 75.4%. During 2023, 100% of the project’s solid waste was recycled or reused, 100% of its grid electricity was sourced from renewable sources and there were no environmental non-compliance issues.

To offset its remaining carbon emissions Dalradian supported an internationally certified safe water project in Zambia. Over the past five years, the company has also planted 1,700 native species trees in Northern Ireland.

Patrick F.N. Anderson, Dalradian’s President, and CEO, said:

“We are delighted to publish our fifth Responsible Business report marking our commitment to developing a multi-decade, modern mining project using the latest technology to responsibly produce the minerals society needs every day.

“Our achievements to date have come about because of the efforts of the great team we have on the ground in Northern Ireland supported by the strong backing of our North American owners and management team.

“To date, our US owners have invested more than $400M in advancing the project and relationships have been developed with over 530 local suppliers. Building and operating the mine will see further investment of $1.3 billion and creation of more than 1,000 jobs – one of the largest-ever US investments in Northern Ireland.

“We have built the foundations for a new industry in Northern Ireland – a once-in-a-generation opportunity that aligns with government aims around securing mineral supply, growing the economy, providing good jobs, increasing productivity and regional investment.”

The report noted that Dalradian had another strong year for health and safety, reporting the third year in a row with no lost time incidents. It also highlighted the local sustainability team’s continued work on a tree nursery which will help supply over 30,000 native trees such as oak, hazel and rowan. These will be planted progressively once construction on the mine begins.

Brian Kelly, Dalradian’s Managing Director, added:

“The report outlines our commitment to supporting the community, maintaining our environmental work to meet regulatory requirements and highlights the importance of mining and minerals in society’s shift to a green economy fuelled by sustainable sources.

“Over seven years on from submitting our plans to the Department for Infrastructure, our efforts remain focused on advancing our application to build a modern underground copper-silver-gold mine through the Northern Ireland planning system.

“We look forward to concluding the permitting stage of the project and delivering on the immense opportunities that the mine will bring to Tyrone and beyond.”

The report also detailed how Dalradian’s project supports the UK’s Critical Mineral Strategy, including its goal of avoiding environmental, social and governance issues that can occur when minerals are sourced from overseas jurisdictions with lower standards.