Business news

Danske Bank supports Sustain Exchange

Posted By:
Danske Bank

6th Oct 2023

Danske is delighted to announce its support for the Sustain Exchange Hybrid Summit which will take place on Tuesday October 24. The event will bring leaders from organisations of all shapes, sizes and sectors together to explore how they can help reverse the climate crisis. A hybrid event model will mean a reduced carbon footprint by allowing for both ‘in-room’ delegates and online attendees.

Speakers will include the globally renowned entrepreneur Sir Tim Smit KBE who will deliver a virtual keynote majoring on the importance of meeting challenges head on, and “daring to be ambitious”. The impressive in-person speaker line-up includes the climate author and broadcaster Colm O’Regan, sustainability and circular economy leader Jacqueline Gibson, Belfast Climate Commissioner Debbie Caldwell, CEO of a planet-positive start-up Philip Rainey and the international ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) specialist Rachel Post.

The Summit is being facilitated by the non-profit Management and Leadership Network (MLN) and supported by cross sector partners including Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Council, Danske Bank, FPM, International Synergies, Weev and Belfast City Council.

MLN’s Kevin Kelly said: “The climate crisis is the biggest leadership challenge of our time. However, I believe that hope follows action, and the Sustain Exchange Summit will provide local leaders with insights, inspiration and impetus to act. This event is an example of true cross-sector collaboration and shared learning, and I would like to thank all of our partners for the leadership they are showing on this most important issue.”

There are a limited number of in-person places available for purchase for the event, which will take place at Theatre at The Mill between 10am–1pm. The live stream will run from 10.30am–12.30pm. Virtual places have been 100% subsidised by the event partners however pre-registration at is essential.