Business news

Deloitte Best Managed Companies Award for Re-Gen

Posted By:
Re-Gen Waste Limited

2nd Oct 2023

Re-Gen has been named as one of Ireland’s Best Managed Companies. The company, which demonstrated exceptional business performance for the second time, was recognised at this year’s awards ceremony.

Commenting on the award, Neil O’Prey, Chief Finance Officer at Re-Gen, said: “We’re delighted to receive the Deloitte Best Managed Companies award for the second time. Re-Gen’s success can be attributed to the high-quality services that our customers deserve, performance management, and strategic planning. We’re creating a cleaner and safer world, while supporting and developing our employees and communities.”

The awards programme is led by Deloitte Ireland, in association with Bank of Ireland, and 130 indigenous companies representing 24 of the 32 counties across the island of Ireland were recognised at the gala ceremony.

The judges look beyond financial performance at areas such as a company’s environmental, social and governance standards, strategic planning and talent strategy, when awarding Ireland’s top privately owned businesses.