Business news

Encom’s Green Revolution: Powering Northern Ireland’s Future

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Encom Energy Ltd

3rd Oct 2023

Encom’s Green Revolution: Powering Northern Ireland’s Future

Over the past three years, Encom has carved a niche for itself in Northern Ireland’s dynamic property development sector. Beginning its journey with the renowned Mayfair Group, Encom’s successful delivery of solar technology solutions has not only set new benchmarks for sustainable living but also caught the attention of major property developers across Northern Ireland. As a result of its exemplary work with Mayfair, Encom has now secured contracts with other leading developers, reinforcing its position as a trailblazer in the green revolution.

A Beacon for Sustainable Development

Encom’s first contract with Mayfair Group was at the starter home development, Thorburn Gate on Belfast’s Antrim Road. Each home boasts an in-roof solar panel array, a robust 5kWh battery as well as EV chargers. Moira One, another feather in Encom’s cap, features an 8-panel solar system, thoughtfully designed for future enhancements. These projects are more than just constructions; they’re statements of a sustainable vision.

A Milestone Worth Celebrating

Today, we’re thrilled to spotlight a significant achievement in Encom’s journey: the acquisition of three major contracts in Northern Ireland, collectively valued between £10-£12 million. This news, already featured in the Irish News and News Letter, is a testament to Encom’s unwavering commitment to renewable energy, particularly Solar Photovoltaic (PV) and Battery Storage systems.

From Humble Beginnings to Industry Leaders

Since our inception in 2021, Encom’s trajectory has been consistently upward. A strategic £5 million investment from Harrier Investments was the catalyst, enabling Encom to source and offer top-tier green products without compromising on affordability.

The Future is Green

The upcoming Hyde Park development in Mallusk is a testament to Encom’s vision. Slated to house over 1,200 eco-friendly homes in the next decade, it’s a project that promises to redefine sustainable living. Furthermore, contracts in Terry Wood, Lurgan, and with Mayfair Group’s own luxury projects will see the integration of cutting-edge Solar PV and Battery Storage solutions in over 200 homes.

Don Patterson, the founder of remarked, “These contracts are more than business achievements; they’re milestones in our mission to embed solar energy in every new construction, aiming for a significant reduction in emissions.”

Alan Johnston, Development Director at Mayfair Group, highlighted the tangible benefits, “Solar systems, with payback percentages between 20-25%, promise homeowners not just sustainability but also substantial financial savings.”

A Call to Business Leaders

For the business leasers reading this, the message is clear: the future is green and Encom is leading the way. As we surge forward, our commitment to a sustainable Northern Ireland remains steadfast. To learn more about our transformative solutions and potential collaborations, visit our website or call us on 028 9538 0910.