
Final call for 2023 Social Enterprise NI Award entries

Posted By:
Social Enterprise NI

4th Aug 2023

The deadline to enter 2023 NI Social Enterprise awards is fast approaching.

If you are a local social enterprise, or a private/public organisation who has introduced a social enterprise into your supply chain, we encourage you to enter before the deadline.

The awards are an excellent opportunity to recognise and promote your hard work and social impact.

Closing date: Sunday 6th August 2023 at midnight.

Take a closer look at the award categories below:

Best New Start Up: Open to NI Social Enterprises that have been operating for less than 2 years as of June 2023. You must demonstrate your business model, define your social mission and your future vision and how you are going to achieve it. Enter here.

Best Cross Sector Collaboration (NEW): Open to public & private sector organisations who have developed a working partnership with one or more social enterprises. You must be able to demonstrate the impact of the collaboration and your business strategy to embrace the social enterprise sector locally. Enter here.

Best Use of Social Media: Open to social enterprises that can demonstrate how the use of their social media has increased the visibility and impact of their organisation. You must be able to demonstrate how social media has increased your engagement among customers and helped increase your income generation. Enter here.

Community Wealth Building (NEW): Open to all Voluntary Community and Social Enterprises. You must demonstrate you are locally rooted and have a strong economic & social impact within the local community. Also define how your organisation uses its buying power to support other SE’s & SME’s in the local area. Enter here.

Consumer Facing Social Enterprise: You must be able to demonstrate that you have a “customer facing business” and can define your growth in the last 12 months in terms of sales, customers, brand awareness and any other relevant metrics. Enter here.

Credit Union: Open to Social Enterprises that are Credit Unions. You must demonstrate that your credit union is locally rooted and has had a transformative impact on a place/community.

There will be 3 winners in this category:

Cooperative: Open to Social Enterprises with the legal structure of a Co-Operative who have been operating for two years or more. You must demonstrate your social mission and provide evidence of the impact. Enter here.

Rural Social Enterprise: Open to any social enterprise based in a rural area of Northern Ireland. You must demonstrate & communicate your impact with your stakeholders. Provide evidence of your social enterprise trading activity and outline your impact on a specified community. Enter here.

Social Impact Award: Open to social enterprises(note: this award will not compare the scale of different enterprises’ impact, but their measurement and reporting process) You must articulate your theory of change and impact, proving your organisations mission and vision for future significant positive change. Enter here.

Social Enterprise of the Year: This award recognises a social enterprise that has clear vision and strategic direction for their organisation. You must demonstrate your strategic direction and vison including your social, environmental or community impact and how you operate sustainably in terms of profit and growth. Enter here.

Outstanding Team: Open to teams who have demonstrated strength, passion and resilience which is so characteristic of the social enterprise sector. You must be able define how this group of people, working together, have gone above & beyond in their role, leading to enhanced quality of products or services, greater social impact and/or overall business growth. Enter here.

Young Person: Open to individuals aged 30 or under, involved with a social enterprise as either an employee, volunteer or a board member who can clearly demonstrate their commitment to the ethos of social enterprise as well as represent excellence in their field of work. Enter here.

Emerging Leader: Open to senior management individuals who are showing potential to be future leaders in the sector. This award will be presented to an individual within the world of social enterprise who aspires to be a future CEO within the sector and who is currently driving forward the ethos of their organisation. Enter here.

Leader: Open to individuals who are currently a CEO of a Social Enterprise. This person is someone who has created significant, positive change for society by demonstrating socially entrepreneurial behaviours, beyond the day-to-day expectations. Enter here.

Best Cross Sector Collaboration (NEW): Open to public & private sector organisations who have developed a working partnership with one or more social enterprises. You must be able to demonstrate the impact of the collaboration and your business strategy to embrace the social enterprise sector locally. Enter here.

To find out further information, click here