Business news

Hays Travel pledges to raise £20,000 for Autism NI

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Autism NI

4th Oct 2023

Hays Travel has named Autism NI as the charity partner for its 25 branches in the region, in a pledge set to raise £20,000 to help autistic people and their families.

Hays Travel is the UK’s largest independent travel agent with over 450 shops, all of which are given time and resources to support their local community and particularly young people. Their pledge to Autism NI will help the charity deliver invaluable services to the autism community in Northern Ireland.

Nicola Allison, Regional Sales Manager for Northern Ireland, said: “We are excited to start our partnership with Autism NI and support the autism community in Northern Ireland. We’re planning lots of fundraising activities across all twenty-five stores in Northern Ireland, where we aim to raise £20,000 this year. This will support 1,800 vital Helpline calls for autistic people and their families. Our teams are also looking forward to receiving training from Autism NI and working towards becoming Impact Award Champions.”

Sorcha Mathews, Corporate Fundraising Manager at Autism NI, said: “We’re delighted to have Hays Travel on board as a charity partner. In addition to raising vital funds for local autism services across Northern Ireland, Hays Travel is also committed to becoming an Impact Award Champion and building an autism accessible and inclusive service. Their team will receive tailored training from Autism NI to support their autistic employees and customers.

Hays Travel’s customers are encouraged to get involved and support the cause, through activities including in-store collections, and taking part in key events such as the Glow Walk and Autism NI’s Big Christmas Cuppa campaign.

Autism NI is Northern Ireland’s leading autism charity and provides services to 35,000 autistic people and their families throughout Northern Ireland, and campaigns for autism acceptance within society. For more information visit