

Posted By:

23rd Aug 2023

By Alastair Luke, Director, ATTNx

Thereā€™s nothing quite like hosting an outstanding event to inspire an audience.Ā Ā Iā€™ve worked on events throughout my career, producing slide decks, being a ā€˜one-man AV teamā€™, and providing professional photography, video and branding. With the right production, speakers and audience itā€™s just an incredible feeling.

One thing I find quite often though, is an uninspiring unveiling can lead to sluggish sign-ups, and an apathetic audience.Ā Ā At ATTNx, weā€™ve got the skills and experience to create killer content that will impact your audience at the launch of your next event.Ā Ā Iā€™ve seen it too many times to let you live through a lacklustre launch again, so here are my tips to making sure you set the stage for a sensational show.

Focus on photography.

You will, 100% of the time, need a good photo to accompany your launch press release, or news post.Ā Ā When you have a high-profile keynote speaker, a cool location, or celebrity ambassador you can use these elements to craft a selection of shots that draws audiences to find out what itā€™s all about.Ā Ā Then you have a series of attention-grabbing photos to release in the build-up to the big day. A good photographer on a shoot like this is not going to break the bank, so always hire a professional, discuss the brief and come up with a cool concept.Ā Ā The super-talented Joy Luke at ATTNx can help you with this.

Set the vibe with video.

Youā€™ve got a great line-up of speakers, so who better to sell tickets?Ā Ā Ā As part of your launch photo shoot, tack on a few ā€˜talking-headsā€™ from your guest speakers to give an insight into what theyā€™ll be speaking about. If they canā€™t attend the launch, just ask them to record it themselves. This could provide 5-10-15 or more pieces of content to drip-feed your audience and exploit social media to maximise registrations. Just be sure to add a branded call to action throughout the video ā€“ donā€™t leave it to the end. Make that CTA pop!Ā Ā I can have a chat with you on this and make a video content plan that will boost your registrations.

Bring it with branding.

Your audience will know if youā€™ve gone bargain basement on your branding. They just will.Ā Ā Letā€™s get the branding right at the launch. Get it out there with a good-old prop for the launch photo, and follow up with digital graphics for social media, and print ads in your audiencesā€™ favourite publications. Think ā€œwhere are they lookingā€ and put your brand there. I can help you to create an evergreen event brand, and a suite of digital graphics, animated ads, and printed material to make sure its visible wherever your audience is.

Nailing these three elements will go a long way to ensuring your event promotion is a big success and make your event a total sell-out, then you can just relax until the big day. Weā€™ve worked on all kinds of events, from corporate conferences to mud runs, comic-cons to awards ceremonies.Ā Ā ATTNx has you covered.

See some of our work and find out more about the ATTNx Event Boost atĀ www.attnx.co.uk/attnx-event-boost, or reach me atĀ al@attnx.co.ukĀ or 07311 283716.