Joseph Kennedy visit to Ionic Technologies

Posted By:
Ionic Technologies

14th Jun 2024

On Tuesday 4th June 2024 Ionic Technologies welcomed Joseph Kennedy III, the Special Envoy to Northern Ireland for Economic Affairs, to their Demonstration Plant in Belfast Harbour Estate.  This visit represented a fantastic opportunity to promote our capability and growth plans to Mr. Kennedy, as he works to promote economic interests in the region. Mr. Kennedy and his team enjoyed an introduction to Ionic Technologies’ achievements to date as well as the intention to grow the technology to commercial scale, followed by a tour of the facility, which enables recycling end-of-life permanent magnets and production swarf from magnet manufacturing. Permanent magnets are crucial for renewable technologies like offshore wind turbines and electric vehicles. Rare Earth Elements are Critical Minerals that are used to manufacture Permanent Magnets, and this essential application justifies their position as the highest priority group of elements in the UK criticality assessment of technology critical minerals and metals.