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ProfileTree, Ulster University and Innovate UK Conclude 2-Year KTP Digital Transformation Project

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2nd Oct 2023

ProfileTree and Ulster University have concluded a joint 2-year Digital Transformation Project, which was funded by Innovate UK as part of the Knowledge Transfer Partnership. 

The project connected ProfileTree, Ulster University and MSc Business Development and Innovation student, Lochlainn Mallon, to take ProfileTree on a journey through Digital Transformation. 

50% reduction in scheduling tasks

The results of this project implemented new processes at ProfileTree, which saw a 50% reduction in scheduling tasks. This highlights the real change that KTPs can generate when connecting academia and business to deliver measurable value. 

Ciara Nelson, CEO of ProfileTree

“The transfer of knowledge for all those involved has been impactful. ProfileTree now has more opportunities for growth and enhanced efficiency, while Ulster University now has access to new data surrounding Digital Transformation. This partnership with Innovate UK and Ulster University highlights our commitment to driving innovation forward in Digital Transformation.”

Innovate UK KTP

For nearly 50 years, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) have connected businesses with innovative ideas to academic expertise to help deliver them. Around 800 businesses, 100 knowledge bases (universities and other research organisations) and over 800 graduates are involved in KTPs in the U.K.


ProfileTree is an award-winning web design and digital marketing agency based in Belfast. With specialisms in content marketing and SEO, they are committed to pursuing digital growth for local businesses based in Northern Ireland. 

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Pictured left to right: Paul Gilpin, UU Knowledge Exchange Assistant – KTP / Ciaran Connolly, ProfileTree Web Design, Director / Carol Reid, UU, Business School Partnership Manager and Senior Lecturer / Ciara Nelson, ProfileTree Web Design, CEO / Ken Frame, Innovate UK, Knowledge Transfer Adviser / Lochlainn Mallon, ProfileTree, KTP Associate. 

Missing from photo:

  • Dr. John Bustard, UU, Senior Lecturer in Digital Transformation
  • Prof. Maurice Mulvenna, UU, Professor of Computer Science
  • Prof. Raymond Bond, UU, Professor of Human-Computer Systems