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ScaleX™ Insider Podcast: New episode with Charles Conn – How to develop a strategic mindset in uncertain times and manage risk

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Simple Scaling

3rd Aug 2023

In this episode, Brendan McGurgan chats with Charles Conn. Charles co-founded Monograph Capital, before which he was CEO of Oxford Sciences Innovation, a £600m deep science venture firm formed in partnership with Oxford University. Charles is a technology entrepreneur and former public company CEO (Ticketmaster, Citysearch, He serves on the board of Patagonia and was previously CEO of the Rhodes Trust in Oxford.  Before that he was senior advisor to the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation in San Francisco.  Charles is a best-selling author of ‘The Imperfectionists: Strategic Mindsets for Uncertain Times’ and is a member of The Nature Conservancy’s European Council for Global Conservation.

In this episode, Brendan and Charles discuss:

  • Why successful small businesses need to step into risk
  • How to use visual storytelling to evoke powerful emotions in your audience
  • Why you need perspective and curiosity to achieve success
  • Why you need to experiment in business
  • How leaders can inject more curiosity into their businesses
  • Why businesses need to put purpose ahead of profit
  • Why small businesses need to stand for something important that is bigger than you

You can listen to the podcast on all major podcasting channels including Apple, Spotify and YouTube. Listen to YouTube.

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