Business news

Top Award for Edentrillick Quarry

Posted By:
McQuillan Companies

24th Nov 2023

McQuillan Companies’ Edentrillick Quarry has been recognised at the recent annual Plant & Civil Engineer Awards, winning the Mineral Products Site of the Year award.


Company representatives were presented with the award, sponsored by Rokbak and Sleator Plant, during a glittering ceremony, compered by television and radio sports presenter Adrian Logan, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in South Belfast.


Organised by the Hillsborough based publishers of Plant & Civil Engineer, 4SM (NI) Ltd, it was attended by hundreds of guests and leading figures from the plant, construction and quarry industries. With 17 separate categories, the event is widely regarded as Ireland’s premier platform of recognition for those operating across all sectors of the industry.


Over the past two years, the quarry has invested significantly in its facilities to provide an improved working environment. This includes the construction of new offices, rest areas, drying rooms, facilitating improved comfort and functionality for the workforce.


McQuillian Companies commitment to ongoing improvement also extends to its equipment, with a substantial investment of circa £3 million in Edentrillick to upgrade plant and machinery to ensure Edentrillick remains a modern and efficient operation. All plant operating on site is fitted with cameras, in addition to the standard mirrors, to aid all round visibility. The plant is also fitted with reversing alarms and lighting and flashing beacons.


Through community engagement, the company has also fitted all its mobile machines on site with white noise reversing alarms in order to reduce any adverse impact on neighbours.


In 2020, the quarry achieved an exceptional milestone by obtaining planning permission for the next 15-20 years of operation, allowing more investment in the location and retaining employment opportunities well into the future. This achievement is remarkable, as it marked one of the fastest mineral applications approved in approximately 30 years in Northern Ireland and reflects the meticulous planning in advance of the application, the open public consultations and liaison with local stakeholders held during the process, and the commitment of all those involved.

Photo: L-R Adrian Logan (host)Matthew Mitchell McQuillan Companies, McQuillan Companies (Winner)  Jacqueline Reid, Rokbak & Jonathan Campbell Sleator Plant (Sponsor)