Business news

Two Decades of Legal Excellence: Celebrating 20 Years of MKB Law

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22nd Nov 2023

MKB Law, a leading commercial law firm in Belfast, is proudly celebrating 20 years of business.

The firm was founded in November 2003 by Gordon McElroy and Anne Marie Kelly. Alongside Maria Conway, the team of three operated from a small office located in the former Anglo Irish Bank building on Great Victoria Street. Maria was appointed Director in 2007 and David McAlinden, who merged his own law practice with MKB Law, became the firm’s fourth Director in October 2016.

Today, MKB Law employs 38 members of staff and spans two floors within the same building which now includes an open-planned fully integrated working space and eight meeting rooms with video conferencing facilities.

During their 20 years in business the firm has retained its independence and streamlined its service offering; MKB Law is a law firm for businesses, specifically family-owned businesses, owner managers, senior executives and their families. As such, the firm has grown to become one of the most respected and sought-after law firms in what is a competitive marketplace.

One of the standout features of MKB Law is its commitment to staying at the forefront of client needs and new developments, this has included the implementation of a paperless case management system and a cloud-based phone and communication platform, alongside an innovative marketing strategy. MKB Law also focuses on the training and development needs of their staff and have invested significantly in providing additional training and upskilling their team in specialist areas.

Gordon McElroy comments: “As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, we reflect with immense gratitude on the remarkable journey that has brought us to this milestone. Over the past two decades, MKB Law has been dedicated to providing exceptional legal services, fostering meaningful client relationships, and contributing to the fabric of the Belfast business community.

“As we look ahead, we are excited about the opportunities that lie in the future of our firm. We remain committed to growth and expansion and aim to double our turnover and increase our staff numbers to 60 by 2030.

“We wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our colleagues, clients and contacts for being an integral part of our journey.”

MKB Law celebrated their 20th anniversary with an event at the Ulster Museum recently – images of which can be viewed here.