
Business is ‘ready to get to work’ with MPs says Chamber CEO

5th Jul 2024

Following the General Election result, Suzanne Wylie, Chief Executive at Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NI Chamber) says business is ready to get to work with Northern Ireland’s newly elected MPs and the incoming UK government saying:

“On behalf of NI Chamber, we congratulate Northern Ireland’s newly elected Members of Parliament. We look forward to continued and extensive engagement with local MPs, working in partnership with them to help create optimum conditions for business and economic growth in Northern Ireland.

“We also congratulate the new UK Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer and intend to work closely with his government to advance the priorities of Northern Ireland’s business community, as laid out in our own business manifesto. That includes a new and ambitious long-term fiscal framework for Northern Ireland, as well as strategic interventions which strengthen Northern Ireland’s competitive proposition and enhance its global reputation.

“Our members report that rising costs, skills shortages and infrastructure gaps are contributing to a challenging trading environment, so a reset is required. It is imperative that the new UK government plays its part in those policy, funding and legislative interventions which will enable growth here. They need to get to work quickly, working closely with business to understand Northern Ireland’s unique challenges and strengths so they can help the region double down on its many areas of success and ensure that NI becomes known around the world as a hub for innovation and sustainable growth.”